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Packaging caffè Kiribiri specialty Ethiopia Sidamo 1 kg e 250g



A coffee with strong and spicy aromatic notes, which give it a wild and mysterious character.


  • 1 kg grains

  • 250 g grains / ground


Ethiopia must certainly be considered the true homeland of the coffee plant, where the latter arises spontaneously in particular in the province of Kaffa which, together with the province of Sidamo, provides the largest production of coffee.

The Ethiopian Sidamo coffee takes its name from the Sidama, an ethnic group that inhabits these lands. The plantations are located at about 1,800 meters above sea level. The soil is of volcanic origin, very fertile, where temperatures reach 27 ° C and with abundant rains from February to April.

The cultivation in some areas is extremely rudimentary, practiced in several small family-run plantations by the natives themselves.

However, an intensive cultivation system with a cooperative character is becoming more and more widespread, the product obtained is sold in the city of Harrar, to large factories where it is cleaned, selected and washed with special machines.

Mappa Etiopia
ruota aromi_COLOMBIA.png


A coffee with brilliant malic acidity, sweet and well structured. Floral notes Jazmin and notes of black chocolate. Sweet with hints of caramel and fruity with hints of berries. 

Aroma: 7.75

Taste: 8.00

Acidity: 7.75

Body: 7.75

Aftertaste: 7.75

Balance: 7.75

Overall: 7.75

Uniformity: 10.00

Cup: 10.00

Sweetness: 10.00

Final score: 84.50


Origin: Ethiopia

Type: Arabica

Quality: Sidamo

Processing: Washed - Dried in the sun - Selected by hand

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